For Grammar Day 2018, expand your syllable consciousness with a limerick

For Grammar Day 2018, expand your syllable consciousness with a limerick

February 28, 2018 By Mark Allen ACES News

National Grammar Day is just around the corner, and ACES is hosting the National Grammar Day Tweeted Limerick Contest.

The contest is open, and the deadline for submissions is 2 p.m. EST on Saturday, March 3. Tweet a grammar-related limerick using the hashtag #GrammarLimerick to be considered. Also include the hashtag #GrammarDay, used for all National Grammar Day-related activities.

Winners will be announced on March 4, the date chosen for National Grammar Day because it is a complete and grammatically correct sentence when written “march forth,” as in “march forth and celebrate all things grammatical.”

National Grammar Day was founded by author Martha Brockenbrough (@mbrockenbrough) and is hosted each year by Mignon Fogarty—Grammar Girl (@GrammarGirl), who plans to read the winning limerick on her podcast.

In years past, the National Grammar Day Tweeted Haiku Contest produced hundreds of clever haiku extolling the virtues of properly placed commas or warning against an overly pedantic approach to our language. Haiku fit nicely in Twitter’s 140-character limit, but as Twitter decided to double tweet lengths, we can now afford to tweet poems in the limerick form.

Limericks probably first appeared near the end of the 19th century and may or may not have something to do with that city in Ireland. They are usually funny poems of five lines in which the first, second and fifth lines share a meter and rhyme and the third and fourth lines do the same with each other, but are much shorter. That fifth line usually serves as a punchline, and limericks for some reason often are bawdy.

Wikipedia’s entry on limericks offers this example poem of unknown origin:

The limerick packs laughs anatomical
Into space that is quite economical.
But the good ones I've seen
So seldom are clean
And the clean ones so seldom are comical.

The ACES National Grammar Day Tweeted Limerick Contest is focused on the grammatical, so please keep the bawdy to your private notebook. Entries will be judged on how well they make a point about the language, which can include grammar, typos, writing, editing, etc.

Prizes include a one-year membership in ACES: The Society for Editing with all the benefits that come with it; a pass for one ACES day-long editing workshop; a cool selection of books; and a “Be Explicit” tote bag from organizer Mark Allen (@EditorMark).   

Judges for this year’s contest are:


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