ACES Evolve 2023

Beyond Words: Design and Typography for Proofreaders | Megan Stolz Rogers

We often talk about how the editor and the writer are on the same team … but there’s a third teammate: the designer. The proofreader has a unique position to notice and query design and typography that might distract or confuse the reader. This session will cover basic page design and typographical elements and terminology to help a proofreader and designer speak the same language. We will focus primarily on books and magazines, but the rules apply to many types of publications, including digital.

Introductory, Students, Freelance editors, Book editors, Corporate editors, Core Skills


Megan Stolz Rogers has been editing professionally since 2013 and opened Megan Stolz Editorial in 2018. She works primarily with membership-based associations and higher education institutions, with experience in industries such as alumni relations, early childhood education, medicine, religion, tourism, transportation, and stenography. She has proofread, edited, and written for magazines, reports, books, web pages, and marketing, communications, and events materials. She graduated with a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing and publishing arts from the University of Baltimore.

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