ACES operates by virtue of the voluntary efforts of its members. Members of the ACES Board of Directors shape the policy and direction of the Society and take on responsibility for projects and routine tasks. Officers have additional duties, as outlined in the ACES Bylaws


Members At-large

President, ACES Education Fund

Lisa McLendon

University of Kansas School of Journalism

What are the Board's responsibilities?

Anyone seeking a seat on the Board of Directors must be willing to spend a few hours each week on the business of the organization. Board members are expected to attend the national conference and other periodic meetings, as well as participate in monthly meetings.

Who is eligible and what is the nomination process?

All ACES full members in good standing are eligible to run for the Board of Directors. 

Candidates must have shown a level of involvement in the organization, such as presenting at ACES conferences, undertaking projects on its behalf, serving on a committee, or other ways set out in the ACES bylaws

Nominations open at the beginning of the calendar year. Full, associate, and student members are eligible to nominate and they may nominate themselves or someone else. 

All nominees must be full members of ACES and current in their dues when voting opens.

learn more about 2024 changes to the board