Tzvi Sinensky

Sinensky Editing





Academic, non-fiction, history, philosophy, religion, education


Tzvi Sinensky is co-Editor of The Lehrhaus, a leading online Jewish journal of ideas, and Editor of the Lamm Archives, a collection of 800 sermons delivered by the 3rd President of Yeshiva University. His dissertation focuses on the intersection between history, philosophy, and gender. He served as editor of multiple scholarly journals of religious thought, history, and medical ethics.

Tzvi has edited over 1,000 non-fiction essays and books in education, religion, philosophy, history, politics, gender, parenting, self-help, and leadership. He has assisted doctoral students on their dissertations. While he has extensive experience with all phases of editing, and possesses expertise as a writing coach and developmental editor. He holds editors’ certificates from ACES and the Editoral Arts Academy. 

Tzvi's writing has appeared in First Things, The Forward, The Jerusalem Post, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, American Israelite, and The Lehrhaus. He completed three book-length series that are published on Har Etzion’s online study site, and is presently writing a book on major themes in modern religious thought and history.

One author noted in a footnote that Tzvi's "content editing is unparalleled." He looks forward to the opportunity to lend his expertise and experience in helping guide you toward success on your project. 



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