Susan Lantz

Lantz Editorial


Remote, but available for on-site assignments in Tucson and Phoenix, AZ



Educational publishing; creative and scholarly nonfiction; literary fiction


My mission, and my passion, is to help clients convey their messages in clear, polished language. Whether you’re creating a blog or a book, I will make sure your authoritative voice shines for your audience.

To do this, I draw on my background as an in-house book editor, a published author, an educator and grammar instructor, and an experienced freelancer. Clients say that I not only perfect their final product but also teach them how to improve their writing.

Deeply interested in content for and about education, I team with schools and colleges, educational publishers, and nonprofits to create print and online textbooks, courses, and assessments. I also enjoy working directly with authors of fiction and nonfiction and strive to be collaborative and sensitive.

I am well read, have edited books in a variety of scholarly fields, and bring a wide-ranging subject-matter knowledge to academic editing. I stay up to date on several editorial style guides and am committed to bias-free, person-first language.

For a quote or to learn more about my rates, services, or past clients and projects, please contact me.



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