Ashli Cean Landaverde


Minneapolis, MN and remote



Academic, higher education, advancement and development, social media, press releases, advertisement and marketing, nonfiction, creative writing


A writer since childhood, my career in writing and editing began with student support/career advancement internship opportunities in college, and a degree in creative writing. Since then, I have honed my skills as a communications specialist at my local community college (social media, press releases and outreach, ad and marketing copy for admissions and advancement campaigns, fundraising, interviewing and storytelling, copy editing, newsletters and mailers) and currently specialize as a writer and editor in advancement and development for a private liberal arts college in Minnesota. One nice perk of having an anxiety disorder (and being a perfectionist) means that I am extremely detailed, thorough, and consistent in my work. I love getting to work on big projects that require lots of attention, and editing that ranges from the nitty-gritty to broad and overarching; anything that strikes me as more than a little challenging is something I can't wait to get my hands on.

In my free time, I am a published poet and in the process of compiling a chapbook. I love creative nonfiction, classic literature, genre and literary fiction, and of course, poetry.



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