ACES Evolve 2023

Fact-Checking Beyond the News | Gerri Berendzen

Every editor needs a dose of skepticism, no matter what you are editing. And making sure the facts are correct is a daily task for many editors. So it helps to be able to recognize the red flags in all types of writing, to know when to take a closer look and to be able to find credible sources fast. This session will cover the tips and tricks of fact checking for all types of editing and include time to share your tales of fact checking success.

Intermediate, All editors, Core Skills


Gerri Berendzen has worked as a copy editor for more than 35 years and teaches editing, writing, information management and digital media at the University of Kansas School of Journalism and Mass Communication. She has been focused on fact checking research and teaching editing since 2014, after almost three decades editing at newspapers. In addition to teaching, she does freelance editing for textbooks, proposals and other projects.

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