Sarah Ludwig Rausch

Blue Zebra Media





Writing and copy editing, especially health/medical, security, agriculture, theology, and history; copy editing academic journals and papers; writing and editing web content; adhering to client-chosen stylebook


I started proofreading in 1996 and freelance writing and copy editing in 2003, working on everything from scholarly journals to print magazines, web content, blogs, and essays. I view editing and proofreading as a type of puzzle in which my challenge is to find all the mistakes and potential problems, and I'm ruthless about grammar, punctuation, and sticking to my clients' preferred stylebook and/or in-house style. I'm familiar with a variety of style manuals, including Chicago (which favors "copyeditor"), AP (which uses "copy editor"), AMA, APA, SBL, and MLA.

I was the copy editor and proofreader for The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod's magazine, The Lutheran Witness, for several years, as well as for their scholarly journal, Journal of Lutheran Mission, for more than 3 years and I was the proofreader for a theological journal from 1996-2012. I also worked for for more than 2 years updating, editing, and writing their health content on medical conditions, diseases, medications, and treatments. This included editing for house style and updating research by wading through and interpreting multiple medical studies and translating them into simpler language for readers.


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