Elizabeth Russo

Edits Underway LLC





Adventure, Book Club Fiction, Contemporary Fiction, Culture, Memoir, Romance, Short Stories, Travel, Women's Fiction


Want your writing to be publish-ready but still sound like you?

If you’re looking for a copyeditor who knows what to fix, and what to leave alone to preserve the author's voice, I’ve got you covered.

Authors I've worked with are quick to recommend me to others because I know how to balance constructive feedback with compassion. Writing can be hard, but the right editor makes it easier to find your way. Additionally, I take great care with pen names, and am always careful to protect author privacy.

From one client: "I like to think I’m pretty good at keeping things grammatically correct but Elizabeth found so many things that I either didn't know about or completely missed.... Her personal touch and expertise make her a delight to work with. I cannot recommend her services enough!"

I have 15+ years of experience copyediting, and formal skills honed through the University of California San Diego's copyediting certificate program. With a bachelor's degree in International Studies, I'm keen to connect readers to new ways of seeing the world, and people, around us.

For more information, and to request an estimate, please visit

I look forward to hearing more about your project!


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